Monday, November 1, 2010

Why our world is so polarized ... it begins in school.

There is great truth to that old adage that FIGURES DO NOT LIE BUT LIARS FIGURE and as it has been mentioned already, the MARKETing of products use those figures to their advantage to fool the consumer every chance they get ... considered just good business practises ...

But the greatest "mathematical" deceit ever perpetrated, is that done on the entire human race, beginning with our very youngest children in the early elementary years of school ... This is the greatest secret ever and the most damaging to our entire society, because it works so well for the leaders at the very top of the hierarchy where the very wealthy continue to take advantage of it by the method of DIVIDE and CONQUER ... !!!

There is another old adage of UNITED WE STAND DIVIDED WE FALL that also applies across the board ... but how many of us have ever looked deeper into any of those sayings to fathom how it applies to them ???

First off, it would be well to remind each other that for most of our mathematical history, the figure "0" was not used much, if at all, in the worlds math and only upon the acceptance of the use of it was the genius of our modern computer's ability to make high speed calculations using only 1 and 0 put to that use to do so ...

So let us now realize that our most basic and most important numbers of ALL are but ONE and ZERO ...

ONE 'could' stand for the very largest thing to be ever considered, that of the UNITY of our UNIVERSE ... not to mention GOD as the spiritual personality of said universe.

Most of us would consider THAT "1", of such a UNITY, as a very POSITIVE "+" consideration ... unless of course we were in FEAR of either, in which case we might consider them a NEGATIVE "-", as very much undesirable or unwanted, something we might prefer to consider as NOT around at all, thus maybe considering that a NEGATIVE "-", SHOULD preferably become a ZERO, a NOthing, as gone from our reality ...

Now the person of the latter, that lives in FEAR of what others consider as LOVE, we would call very negative, anti social, maybe depressed and even suicidal ... or maybe even a psychopathic killer, maybe with terrorist tendencies even ...

On the other hand, a person that saw the ONE of UNITY, especially being that of our UNIVERSAL GOD of LOVE, would be very POSITIVE "+" in thought, desiring the experience of unity with other like thinkers ...

LOVE is INCLUSIVE and FEAR is EXCLUSIVE ... the ONE is CREATIVE and ZERO is destructive. Representing in the extremes, ALL or NOTHING !

During the time of Socrates, Plato and Aristotle, people had a different way of thinking about these things, a much more INclusive way of seeing things. There were many more things to consider around relative importances, a much vaster playing field that had grey area middle grounds of possibility where not everything was rigidly definable and subject to a distinct label. Even their (the Greeks) religious experience allowed a PANTHEON of gods to relate to ...

Then along came Augustine, later a Saint and considered the father of the western religious thought ... that where all of the varied choices of before, became simplified into a distinct DUALITY of only GOOD, as in the DIVINE, and BAD as in EVIL ... cut and dried, black and white, yes and no ... no grey area "fence sitting" allowed, decisions would now be required from each and all ... you were either with us or against us ... religious or secular, subject to the concept of God or Evil (Satan/Devil) ... "+" OR "-" !!!

Ever since that time our children have been taught from day one that (+=+) and/or (-=-).

That is divisive and subtractive thought, that which places a Void or Gap between "+" and "-" that is most often shown symbolically as the "/" in the DUALITY of (+/-) as that being the reduction of (+=+) and (-=-) now "combined" as (+/-).

The main point of this discussion is to show that we are all programed from that teaching to be separate "ego's" in this world, to feel disconnected from everything else, to be rather lonely ... to then seek fulfillment in a unification with others, with fellow humans who are like thinkers that we can be comfortable with, maybe even love each other as in man and wife living in a preferred 'nation', maybe even 'religious', providing that our chosen religion fit our desires and perceived 'needs'.

So then we began to look to Leaders, priests, kings and presidents to get behind in our spiritual and/or secular relationships ... joined into family, then community, then into city followed by nation ... we were together again ... but still the ego knew separation, only settling for the 'next' best of the above.

But across the lands and seas were other similar, yet different, settlements. The greater the distance and differences, the more the likely hood of misunderstanding through ignorance of the ways of others ... consequently they came to be feared as a potential threat to the preferred lifestyle held. Conflicts led to hatreds and that to wars with ensuing destruction to life and property. Such could be seen as being very negative and headed ultimately towards a zero if not stopped.

But the Leaders always stopped the destructions before it was too late, often though one side came off better and was therefore considered the 'best' and a 'winner' ... nobody wanted to be considered a 'loser', so the losers held hopes of eventually success via revenge, hatreds often smouldering to be reignited later. These were NOT really very loving and Godly existences ... and still are not ... all because of what our children are taught from day one.

What they are NOT taught, because it does not fit the concept of the various Leaders ideas of power and control through divide and conquer (control) ... is that GOD exists, and has a SPIRIT which would be symbolized as "=" as in the EQUALITY or EQUALIZER between normal and natural oppositions ... thus the "=" that REPLACES the "/" (Void/Gap) of DUALITY (+/-), TRANSFORMING that into the SPIRITUAL TRINITY of GOD as (+=-) ...

Now you might say (if you even got this far) that (+=-) is NONsense, that it is a PARADOX ... and I would say it is the latter but not the former ... IT IS the BET (the Basic Equation of Truth) that our GOD INspired Universe actually runs on !

That stands for the Spiritual reunification of all oppositions into a cooperating appreciation of natural diversities that when combined with like intentions there becomes a creative SYNERGY where the sum of the total is GREATER than the sum of the parts ...

THIS IS what CREATION is SUPPOSED to be ALL about ... it is a Spiritual REALization of TRUTH ... the truth that would set us each and all free ... free from controlling leaders, both secular and religious who would rather keep us under their own idea of bondage to control us for their own benefit with false promises to us of rewards we are promised by them ... not to mention the FEARs they attempt to instill in each of us to keep us afraid of Self discovery of our own Spirit that Unifies ALL in LOVE.

A bit long ... but it is truly worth the effort it might take to understand what is a very simple and basic truth that could transform your entire view of reality for the very best. The Truth that would set you free !!!

(reprint: )

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