There is such a vast difference in perspectives, available for us peoples, that will be determined by, depending upon who and what we prefer to believe, which or what sources of information that we chose to take in to inform us.
Speaking only for myself, as a person that wants to know ALL perspectives rather than only ONE view, I will read, watch and listen (up to a point at least) all sides and aspects, in order to come up with the overall picture upon which I will decide where the greatest truth lies.
Granted, there are many people that are much more dualistic, who, rather than seek any balance, do their very best to exclude all information that does not support their 'preferred' viewpoint.
Those at the extremes of our seeming polarization are the best examples of that, the 'right' and the (wrong ?) 'left' ... In looking into this matter deeply, I really believe that the so-called far left liberal view, that the right so hates, does NOT really exist at all except in the minds of the right and those they can convince of that by their caustic rhetoric.
And that rhetoric primarily comes from those think tanks funded by that side who supply those views to the media outlets that only the faithful right follows ... very loyally and well indoctrinated I might add.
Where others do seek truth, with compassion for ALL, via much more peaceful methods, in doing so, they are not so narrow minded and stuck in their way, which they would feel compelled to defend, thus they are the opposite of the conservative right, they are the liberal left. Compassion and liberalism are very much related. Fear of other leads to much more defensive conservatism.
Thus where the right feels threatened by the left because the left would insist, at least (more likely) ask, that the right consider a wider perspective, the right closes down even more in resistance to the request and sees the left as a real threat to their cherished and preferred viewpoint ... thus because they have only one acceptable viewpoint, based upon their dualistic outlook, they are compelled to 'fight off' the threat which is the left.
That is why they have such a piss poor concept that is completely exaggerated as regards to the lefts motives and actions ... and they express those views with such regularity, that they convince themselves they are true, at the same time that the left, being more liberal, may accept that determination as possible without even critically looking at the view.
Well I have looked at all of this extensively and given it much thought, my determination is, I believe, really much more fair and balanced than FOX will ever be ... and I have determined just what I am saying here, that the far right determines what they call reality, based upon what their unseen 'leader/authority' types cook up and handout to them for that very reason and purpose, to find those supporters for certain aims and outcomes that could be achieved in no other way except complete forceful domination of a dictatorial nature ... thus we have this society that has been duped into believing it is free and balanced, as those 'leaders' have told us, the same leaders that have divided us in the very first place ...
Divide and Conquer ... what better way to do it, than to have the people do it themselves, by convincing them that there are good valid reasons to divide and fight over ...
Folks, there is ONE God that we are all a part of, and our purpose here on earth is to eventually realize our true relationship, as a natural diversity of an infinite range of equals yet opposites ... and as like male and female, both 'sides' are needed to be 'creative,' which comes from cooperative and compassionate LOVE ... the alternative is what we seem to have now, competition to a fault, with such extreme polarization that the division that exists (in our minds only), seems to be nearing an outright battle (only words so far) ... which would bring destruction ... not only to the 'weaker' side, but ultimately to ALL.
People should give all of this more thought before we reach that point of no return that seems to loom ever closer at the rate that we are going down this factious and destructive path.
Peace, j.
( This article was generated from a comment I made at ) For further insight to my views, there are free downloads available at Thanks, j.
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