The anti-Muslim message is now everywhere. Very slickly done in many cases with video and music, indicating a well planned think tank effort.
I live in a very remote red area of a red state and most people here just assume you think like they do ... so much 'material' comes to our attention that is very 'red' and very religiously fundamentalist ... of course there is also the right wing sentiments found on Gather to back all of this up ... people are being indoctrinated for a huge culture clash (to put it mildly) ...
There are countless religious peoples that look forward to it all as the fulfilment of prophecy and the end of time prior to a second coming of their saviour ... there are countless 'new-agers' that also have a version that predicts an end of time as we know it for our near future.
I myself have had spiritual experiences of a non-religious nature that have very strongly indicated to me that we are in for very rough times beyond our present ability to foresee. Spirit has told me to tell others ...that being my mission in life now.
I have studied deeply into so much literature, much of it very rare, esoteric and very old ... and much very current in comparison. So much of it all indicates a cosmic cycle coming around like a universal season that comes only in thousands of year cycles ... periods of time beyond what the orthodox leadership allows as even possible.
There are people in power and control that are very aware of what I am here saying ... they do not want the idea to catch on, because it will not 'yet' work to their advantage to the degree they would prefer.
Most will reject the idea, but there are spiritual realms involved in all of this ... it is a huge event on the cosmic cycle scale, and the eventual control of this planet is at stake !
Many people see it as a coming final battle between good and evil ... and most of those 'think' they know which 'side' is which. I believe most of them will be very disappointed in their predictions for themselves in that regard.
So, there are many indications for a coming one world government ... and it will most likely be one that only those in charge will enjoy. Those in charge prefer to remain anonymous as best that they can ... and they do so very well. They are not really religious, political, patriotic, or even nationalists ... yet they will manipulate everyone they can with those 'tools'. They see themselves as 'above' all of that.
Someone above suggested that in this country the middle class would have to be done away with in order to consolidate the control better at the top ... they seem to be well on their way in making that happen.
Those of us the most out of touch with these concepts will completely reject it all ... they will continue to deny this and defend their preferred 'leadership' ... they have a lifetime indoctrination of picking the 'winning team' to get behind, root on and support ... many of them see their political preference as something like that with team loyalty and all.
If and when (and I believe it will be sooner rather than later) we and our one or two 'allies' decide to widen this present 'war' into Iran ... there will be hell in the streets here at home ... then martial law will be declared along with compulsory military obligations ... those that resist will be locked up ... many will try to flee, but will find that those that would accept them in the past will no longer do so.
I realize this (what I am saying here) is too far out, just the rantings of a loony ... but I care less how I am taken in that regard, but feel that this all needs to be considered by ever more people ... not only for their own sake, but for that of the nation, and especially that of the world.
Personally, I am at peace with God about all of this. I am only doing the bidding of spirit now. I would hope that more would come to find the peace of the truth that will set them free ... the sooner the better, we can all use the help ... things are going to get very difficult for each and all.
[The above was originally a comment to another article a few days ago]
Peace, j.
(a reprint from: )
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