Monday, November 1, 2010

Did the prophesied False Prophets already visit religion ?

A comment to the article by BERF " I USED TO BELIEVE ... "

As I have just read all to date, I will say that I primarily agree with Berf, Sandy and even Bruce to a degree, but especially to Donald and the following comment by Thomas.

The most fundamentally insistent of the the idea that the Bible, being the ONLY valid source from God to man, that to be taken literally, and being those in great numbers, as if that has any bearing upon truth or validity ... are, in my opinion, locking themselves into an old world historic box of mis-understanding.

But it is their choice and so be it ... they will eventually find out if that is what they bargained for I would think. Some say the bible is as described above, others say it should be taken more metaphorically (I am one of those), and I also think there are far more sources of information that should be used ... but chief amongst them would be our own INtuition, our 6th sense of INternal subjective connection directly to the Spirit of God that INdwells each of us waiting only for recognition by us ... I have recognised such and have been greeted by it and welcomed into it's cosmic Grace, so I know of what I speak about that.

I say then, that many of those so insistent in their pious righteousness about already being "of the elect" as members of "the Church" (the body of Christ) will end up being the very ones that will be told in the end "I know you not" by their own claimed Lord and Saviour.

That those leaving in the great falling away from the Church in the end times, will NOT be the those ones losing faith in Christ, so much as the ones that have come to have a new and transcendent understanding of the relationship between Christ, God, and themselves, the ones that opt for the higher truth that the Church has long since quit providing.

When it it is mentioned that there will come false prophets and those who deceive in the name of God and the Lord Christ ... as if that were to happen in the future or even now, I say that they came a long time ago, and have already thoroughly corrupted the true message of God ... those that still hold onto the inferior message of the counterfeit and corrupted version, are the ones that will end up so sadly surprised when God so reprimands them and accepts them not ...

Something to think about for the more open minded ... but then, they are not the ones in need, it is the close minded that most need, the very ones that would reject this concept ...

To each their own and I will be more than happy to be with like thinkers in the end ... as I am sure the others mentioned will "think" it initially also ... but too late realize that they have fooled themselves into a reality they never intended in truth ... too late then.

IMnsHO. Jerry Kays, May 5, 2008, 5:33pm EDT

(reprinted from: )

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