When I was young and far more idealistic I always thought that when it came to politics that I would vote, when I got old enough, for the best man for the job. I had heard enough of party faithfulness from my mom who was a Democrat and my step dad who was a Republican …
When I did get old enough to vote I recognized myself as leaning towards the down trodden, the common man as compared to super big business and their wants. So for a long while I claimed myself as a Democrat, at least in my “leanings” …
Eventually I realized that they were all liars in promising everything and coming up with much of nothing. That depressed me in mid life to the degree that I sought something better from outside of the normal institutional offerings. I sought either truth or suicide (in effect) … I did not see much hope in a lying greedy and war mongering society, and I saw no answer in religions either, at least as I knew of them at the time.
I then just happened to have a spontaneous “Spiritual Awakening” of the natural “generic” kind, it came from withIN, not from some “OUTer” Institution full of dogma and creed …
The “point being” … I had thought for myself in life, seeking something above what society seemed to offer … and I eventually found it in GOD and a Spiritual Insight Involving Intuition, on and of my very own.
It was only then that I gained the confidence of my own views being more “right” (correct) more often than those of most of society in general.
Before that, I had sought the answers to world problems based upon the problems themselves and found that such reasoning always seemed to go in circles and seldom solved the problem, only bringing up countless other related problems.
Now I have found the truth of how the universe works and know it is not on the level of exclusive dualism where right is good and wrong is bad and the two have no relationship, with that deemed the lesser only suitable for fighting and destroying … where there is always a gap or void being maintained between the subjective determinations of positive and negative, IE, (+/-) …our present world view based upon our ignorance of the truth.
The UNIverse of the Unconditionally Loving GOD that I now know, works on a Trinity principle, of positives and negatives Interconnected with the Spirit of GOD, that Spirit designated as the “=“ in (+=-).
World Institutions have bastardized that UNIversal Truth into putting themselves in the place of the Spirit, and then dividing the natural positives and negatives into warring factions, pulling the strings of those below separated into two opposing camps … politically into Republican and Democrat, Conservative and Liberal … the “good” and the “bad” where each side is convinced they are better than the other … thus there is always competitive conflict and very seldom any cooperation because polarization is encouraged by the “controllers” who have adopted the position of Spirit as the “=“ and placed it out of sight far above in the shadows while breaking the linkage between those of us on the bottom and placing a void between us in “their” desire to “divide and control” us all …
They actually conspire in doing so, but then through the media empires they also own and control, they convince us that it is stupid to suggest that any conspiracy ever takes place …
They have in fact conspired to take control of all of the MSM and allow FOX to be the blatant standard of Far Right Conservatives … convincing their loyal followers that FOX is the only fair and balanced truth tellers available as they at the same time convince their followers to never trust the rest of the MSM because they are all said to be too Liberal.
At the very same time the “other” Media outlets really only play the role of Liberal in order to illicit trust in their voices from the Liberal side … but when things important to the owner/controllers come up, there will be whatever it takes saying to get the audience to support those most important key issues … “they”, the controllers, own the think-tanks that are always working on making sure that things go as planned … we are all being had … big time !
I realize that this information seems way too far out, just the rantings of a mad man to most of you readers, but that is the very plan of the mentioned controllers coming into fruition … to keep you all believing in only what “they” tell you insures “their” success … and ultimately your (our) loss … IMnsHO.
(reprinted from: http://www.gather.com/viewArticle.action?articleId=281474978036439 )
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