Monday, November 1, 2010


But first off, how does a cult form in the first place ? What kind of "soil" is required for it to grow and flourish ?

Number one, is a charismatic leader, and number two, would be some like minded disciple/followers ... a leader that has had some personal revelation believed to have come direct from God or a representative of God in a spiritual form or nature.

The followers must have a need, a hunger, to which the leader offers nourishment. Initially the relationships seem like a match made by heaven ... if that seems to hold true long enough, they prosper and grow, and possibly, eventually, becoming a legitimate religion ... but often though, when they go the negative direction, they either fail and break apart or become hidden and secretive, of the occult.

The latter has often been in the news over the years due to the sensationalism of their demise, often assisted by our governmental institutions, most notable being the playing out of fire and brimstone, some would say, in Waco, Texas when the Branch Davidians came under scrutiny and then attack.

Recently the FLDS compound, also in Texas, has been brought into the lime-light of the media for acts (supposedly) against minors ... the children have been separated from the parents and all is still being investigated. Others that we know about were Jonestown in Guiana, Aum Shenrikyo in Japan, and most recently one in upper northeast New Mexico, led by Wayne Bent, AKA, Michael Travesser that was presented on Larry King this last Saturday night, as well as in a recent, and soon to be rerun, documentary, where He is believed by himself and his followers as the Messiah returned.

Now what gets in the heads of these people that become such leaders that so impresses their followers?

I have no doubt (based upon personal experience) that the impetus is extremely "spiritual" ... as has seldom been questioned by the more "successful results" of the founders of such small beginnings that later turned in to full blown religions, such as the spiritual revelations of Joseph Smith, resulting in the Mormon movement that resulting in the Latter Day Saints (LDS) now head quartered in Salt Lake City, Utah.

It is my own contention, that the results of these intense spiritual experiences, such as is well known to have been received by Saul of Tarsus on the Road to Damascus, that resulted in his Christian Awakening, where he became known as Paul, later a Christian Saint, and primary source, via his "letters," of the Christian New Testament Bible.

It has almost forever been contended that Jesus the Christ WILL RETURN to earth at some future unknowable date and time ... either in Spirit, in body, or both, the latter expected. We have most all been well indoctrinated about these concepts and what Christ stands for in a Spiritual relationship to us humans here now. Meanwhile the Christian Church has told almost all peoples that they can receive Christ in Spirit and be assured of a place in Heaven, the Kingdom to Come. But of course, the "catch" being that they MUST become an "authorized" Christian under the terms of the dogma and creed through water baptism, in most cases, if not all. Many, if not most, believe this, of those that become seriously involved and swear an oath to God in relationship to such ... then they wait.

But what about the person, religious or not, that has a sudden powerful spiritual awakening ? What seems to them like a visit from heaven, of real divinity, couched in love beyond experience and seemingly profound truths and understandings of a cosmic nature ?

I have had such a personal experience myself about 14 years ago ... it cannot be adequately presented in mere words, it must be experienced to be appreciated. But what I actually first believed, early on, was that in some way, based upon my lifetime of Christian indoctrination by osmosis (I was NOT religious in any way), that Christ Himself MUST have been involved ... the thought and consideration, for a brief few moments in my case, was that MAYBE ... just maybe, that ... I WAS THE CHRIST Himself ... FAR OUT HUH ???

The point being, is that such a spiritual visitation is so overwhelmingly powerful, that one immediately recognizes "other-worldly-ness" to it ... the divinity of religious story come to mind and one seeks to understand their relationship to that, the only thing that "seems" to make sense. The most common stories we have all heard of which come to mind to relate to, some logical rational explanation, for the otherwise unexplainable.

In my own case, I soon passed by that phase of wonderment and settled upon other possibilities, but I will never forget that question about the Christ relationship ... and I have since come to believe it was a valid one, in that, metaphorically, to me, Christ stands for a Spiritual reality associated with God, the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Truth, and even our own Internal Soul known by many as their high Self that transcends the lower self, that of their ego.

Thus those things do happen, such an experience, as comparatively rare as they are, they are not completely uncommon, just so misunderstood as to be labeled something else, often a pathological mental disorder related to schizophrenia even. Many mainstream (orthodox) medical professionals to this day do not recognize, nor value, the spiritual implications associated with such experiences.

Getting back to Cult Leaders ... most of those we know about, have had such an experience and have interpreted it in their own way and went from there with what it means to them. They are completely consumed by the belief that they settle upon, and thus become quite motivated in the expression of it ... if they know in their mind that they are meant to be leader or a teacher, they will set themselves up as such. Then there will be contact with other folks who also have been indoctrinated that a special being will appear to guide, lead, and even "save" them ... thus are "born" the "Messiahs" and other cult leaders and their followers.

Some never really get off the ground, many I suspect, but we mere mortals can never be sure, because what happens to the body, such as in the story of Christ, and the members of the Heavens Gate Cult group, are "supposedly" two different happenings, one took the body (supposedly) when the Spirit left, and the others left their bodies behind ... neatly laid out on their bunks ... but only God really knows.

Most of us will just believe the closest of story of our life of indoctrinations that form our believed reality ... and for those that eventually seek something more transcendent, there are many, possibly an infinity, of choices, to which most go with the flow that seems at the time to be their destiny ... and who among us really knows better, considering other potential realms awaiting us all ?

Just some things to ruminate upon ... especially over the changing times ahead, that may well cause many of us to question our reality and place within it. Nice dreams.

(reprint from: )

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