Monday, November 1, 2010


repeated here for wider consideration...

Gibbs, I thank you for that comment. If you and I can understand each other, then all surely can. Which leads me to comment further to all in general, or specifically as the shoe fits…but if it doesn't, don't throw it back, just toss it gently.

I want to make a comment about God here, because so much of everything seems to hinge around the understanding of what that is all about. Some of you have read my messages before, but for the greater good (intended at least), please indulge me again.

God is not (in my mind at least) a person or being as such, but rather a metaphor term for ALL, all that is, all that could be, but there is NO, must be, about it. There are concepts of, should be, and many (most maybe) of those are admirable.

So let me speak in metaphor and allegory to exclude the specificities that so many call their 'facts', which they may well be, and those even rightly arguable. But 'truth' they are often not.

If God is not, God should be, the epitome of Truth and Unconditional Love. A Love so unconditional, that the creation such a God is involved with, would be allowed in full freedom of individual, and even combined where they see fit, liberty and freedom to even choose to harm each other. No way !…you might say ! But if all is properly understood (and this is but a theory I have arrived at which I present for your consideration) God is confident in knowing that we are all a diverse part of our original unification, that we will eventually all come back to re-member that 'truth'. In the meantime, if we choose to conflict and fight, even unto death, it is not the end of the saga, because we are truly spiritual beings in/as our essence, and are only physical beings in our temporally 'perceived' reality of physicality. As we seek the esoteric truth of our essential spirituality, having little actual awareness of it, we are fooled into believing in our physical and objective views of materialism as the highest priority and the most expediential belief, this is the exoteric version of reality that most labor under, it is one of settling oppositions, too often, physically, and often conflicts over property and ownership rights…materialism.

We have been indoctrinated in duality where we conflict over rights and wrongs based upon our exoteric perspectives of such, where we believe that there is a shortage of needs and that there must be competition for all of our essentials. That is a Fear based concept of our 'fallen' world that has not the confidence of provision that a trust in the providence of a truly spiritual relationship to God and each other might provide through synergy rather than conflict.

Of course the more 'practical' will say, No Way, it being very obvious to them that things are just that bad.

Well, they are pretty bad, and getting worse with the way we are thinking and going about resolution via the old 'blame' game.

Our dualistic way of perception has caused us to divide everything into two (minimum) camps, and every time we discover another 'wrong' we place it also into a similar 'camp'. But those 'wrongs' are often based upon our flawed concepts of such, as just a rejection of differentiation. Thus those placed by one side into a camp on the other side, resent the judgment and placement, if not actual 'condemnation'…over time resentment builds, with and between both 'sides', and conflict flares up…ad infinitum…the story of what has been and where we are now…and where we are headed if we do not change our way of 'seeing' things.

The God that I propose, is a God that is always present among us, externally as the wholeness, and internally as the highest concept of what our intuition should and could be. Via this concept, God via Spirit, is right in the middle of it all, individually, personally, collectively…any and every way! We have but to recognize that and respond to spirit or Spirit, how ever you choose to perceive it, as a loving, forgiving, accepting, and compassionate BRIDGE for all of our differentiations.

It is not God that is our problem, or even the concept of the one I propose here, but our concepts and beliefs in what are actually lesser 'gods'. All of the famous names of religious and irreligious concepts that represent beings of either good or evil, are fabrications in our minds for a relationship to God. We live exoterically and fight about it speaking of things esoteric as if we had a handle on them, then fight some more. It is time to BALANCE the TRUTH of the TWO by putting SPIRIT into the middle of it ALL

Our Dualistic concept is based upon the divisive and subtractive symbol of the 'slash' shown as '/' in the equation of Duality as (+/-), that is BAD as L L L !!!

Accept that God WITH Creation is a Balance and Equality based upon Peace and Love around Spirit, a Trinity of sorts where the slash of duality is replaced with the bridge of true equality, shown as (+=-), which is GOOD as J J J !!!!!!!!!

Sorry about my going on and on, but we really need to all come to this realization of the need for a transcendent concept in order to rise above the state we have been in for millenniums…many of them.


( reprinted from: go there for comments)

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