From "my" perspective (for what it's worth) "balance" is "perfection" ... in that in every "whole" there must be an equal but opposite to all "sides" ... the very center of a circle or a sphere being the example of the balance point, the center, or "perfection" when all considered is accounted for. That same place, being the essence of the total, is also considered the "heart" of that total.
If and when a "universe" is considered "spiritually," it is said that GOD is at the center of all (except for those who claim God as outside looking in) and GOD being defined most consistently as unconditional Love and highest Truth, GOD is considered at the "heart" of all matter denoting especially that Love and non-judgmental acceptance of "all" ...
That "all" consisting of the whole of "creation" which naturally includes "both" potentials, of positive (+), that some see as good, at the extreme as "perfection", as well as the negative (-), which others see as bad, so bad they place a name such as "Satan" on it to personalize it.
Thus for some, if not most, it becomes a "linear" picture of reality where they effectively draw themselves a "line" where they place GOD, and good as perfection, at the far (let us say "right" as in righteous) and place the "opposite", the "other" as the "less than", the "worst" because at that other "extreme" exists a hell of death and destruction into a nothing at all (in their linear minds) !
These folks then are "dualists" that see things separately, divided or subtracted from each other into the "acceptable" and the "non-acceptable" ... in the extreme such thinking would denote man, such as in the original man, Adam, the "male" (and "electrically plumbed" as "positive") as "first" (primary), "best" (the original), "good" (as it gets between that and the subsequent) ... then "mistakenly" placing the woman, Eve, as a "secondary", female (and electrically plumbed as the "negative") and thus "lesser" creative "partner" of "subservience" ... "woman, get thee "behind" thy man" ... no "middle ground" "fence sitting" allowed either, because that is where the "other" (the homosexuals ?) side can tempt you away from your "perfection" ...
So what about that "dualism" seeking extremes ? The "believers", and most of us have been "indoctrinated" over our lifetimes to be such "believers", or at least that has been the intent of our "authorities," both religious as well as secular "institutions," who want "their followers" to get behind them as leaders, the one convinced to be either a "leader" or a subservient "follower" and to not rock the boat, just maintain the "orthodoxy" as the leaders direct. Individual freedoms suppressed for the greater good of the "organization" ... with of course the "particular" organization being chosen "over" any other ... thus competition and conflict with "other" (organizations) continues.
The preceding has been pretty much the "dualistic" story of differences at odds with each other, (+/-), where they have created a gap or void as (/) between the "parts", (+/-).
The "more real", the "original" (before the "fall from the garden") story, was the "real perfection", a "real balance", a story of "equal BUT opposites" AND their CONNECTION (their "commonality"), that of GOD.
That being a "TRINITY of (+=-)" where GOD was (and still is, especially as Spirit) the (=) (equalizer) in between all differences, (+) AND (-). Thus (+=-)>(+/-) ... [> greater than].
In short, we should be able, based upon understanding the preceding, "now" be able, to see why so many think and act as they do in this world and why we have so much conflict and strife. As I see it we must begin to understand the Trinity as transcendent to the Dualism that "seems" to exist ... we must realize that GOD, and GOD's Spirit, is our commonality, our loving connector, that which would allow more appreciation of natural diversity, even between opposites, that which promotes cooperation, compassion, and that which results in creative SYNERGY ... rather than the conflicting competitive destruction of dualism's "extremes".
The "point being" ... the CENTER is the BALANCE point of any complete whole and creation is such a complete whole, and GOD is at the center of any truth of it, in Spirit ! That is in every time and place as the "now" when found. All one has to do is seriously seek such an understanding and it will be granted to them. Such a "REALization" will be the "remembrance" of the original wholeness from which we came (fell ?) ...
Quit seeking "extremes" as a "win/lose" issue ... seek the common balance point of Spirit and appreciate the potential synergy available from diversity cooperating with common goals towards the betterment of all of humanity and creation as a whole ...
I apologize (again) for the length and the repetition of such "messages" from me to you all ... but this is the core of my "teaching" that I feel compelled to do ... we must come to understand the workings and reasons for our present condition in order to differentiate between it and a potential "better" in order to improve our lot in life ... to become Spiritual in the generic sense of non-religiousness may be "the answer" ... IMnsHO.
[this was originally a comment post to
(reprint from: )
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