Monday, November 1, 2010


I have made a comment to the Dershowitz articles into my contribution to the debate that so consumes this world right now on the very eve of WW3. It follows below.

I have labored thru the thread again, attempting to sort out who is coming from where, and the validity of their arguments.

There seems to be one major trend showing through all of this … as is often the case on many subjects now-a-days.

The extreme right view being the most strident for a defense (which they quickly turn into an offense) of their cherished perceptions … in this case Jew, Jews, Israel, Israelis, Semite, Semites, Zion, and Zionists.

Of course they then do not differentiate at all between them, holding each and all as sacred, even sacrosanct. When it comes to their brother Semites (desert dwellers), they disown them, never allowing the relationship.

A relationship that preceded Nation building when peoples were free to travel the deserts, before the western idea of ‘boundaries’ became so popular in the western mind … and usually ‘forced’ upon the free peoples, the indigent ‘natives’ of the lands so ‘claimed’ for the latter exploiter.

Jews do not even acknowledge the fact of the earlier disbursement into 12 tribes … meaning that all of the rest of us by now do have the rights of bloodline to make claims also as being their brothers and sisters.

No, they now put their ‘religion’ first … or is it their ‘nationality’ … their ‘heritage’ … their ‘survivorship’ … or just their ‘special-ness as the chosen’ … actually all are used as it best suits their case it seems. Above all, it is their ‘victim hood’ that so unites them. If one speaks against any aspect of their ‘whatever’ … one is then labeled an Anti-Semite. Of course we have all been well indoctrinated into their ancestral ‘victim hood’ … and by now we well know of the wrath that will descend upon us if we violate that “law’ of theirs … the claim of Anti-Semite will be surely hurled on us from every direction.

Like the Christian Right, becoming so ‘organized’ as to compel each other to think a certain way, into organizing a get out the vote movement to get ’their’ guy into the office of Presidency of this nation, it seems that some Jews have brought their ’fellows’ to Gather to support their hero in tearing down someone else’s that they feel has threatened their position via a book. (a book by Carter in this case).

The ’lines’ have been drawn in this ’debate’ (as if it could be called that). The one side of narrow minded views of hereditary ownership of lands and privilege just for their own … and the opposing view that says; ’whoa’ fella … there is a larger story yet to this picture … the little guy, the down trodden here, that is little represented, has certain ‘God given’ rights also, in this world of ‘claimed’ ownerships …

Which brings me to another ignored subject … that of God’s real place in all of this. Just who is God, what does God represent to the folks that care about such ? Is there really more than ONE God that is competing here ? Does one group really have a special ness with that God or not ? Does a piece of land and/or a Temple REALLY have all that much importance to God … or is that really only a fabrication in the minds of those that choose to believe so, in lieu of a more transcendent spiritual realization of the real relationship of the spiritual realm to us all ??? … I suggest it is the latter, the exoteric ignorant rejection of the esoteric subjective nature of the a priori spiritual, that does in fact and truth have it’s place of importance ahead, above, and beyond the present understanding of most all men … including Rabbis, Popes, and Priests of all kinds.

So all of this worldly discussion, debate, arguing, fighting, warring and destructiveness … is just leading to more of the same ! Let us all get back to some Basics here around a real relationship to each other … be that one around God, or simply just evolution alone … there is actually a huge difference between those two views. But the one most divided and contentious now is that around that of God. If you think that God approves of this factional ‘fighting’ … then just maybe you need to look deeper into what God could mean for you.

As it stands, there is an ancient history, through time immemorial ,that our old books assert to being one thing or another. Some believe it has only been a few thousand years in the making, others go back much further.

Some believe that fables and mythology are just story tales with no meaning or relevance to actual history. Be that as it may … I personally have experiences of very strong mystical expressions and communications, some very pronounced, but most subtle (and if I had any credibility before, I can just see losing it now for some narrow minded people) … I do not have ‘specific’ answers for the worlds problems … I have some that could help it a lot and have even written a book about it all ( Spirit Calls …) But I am led to believe, by what at least I consider to be very reliable sources … that this world is fast approaching a climax of unbelievable proportion … some thing long warned of in prophecy and fable … and lately in New-Age, as well as indigenous Spiritual and Shamanic circles of various peoples all over the world … many native peoples not so caught up in our materialism are well aware of what is to come !

Now the more ‘advanced’ peoples of the scientific persuasion of objective materialism and ‘things’, are way too distracted by their ‘desires’ and ‘advertised’ promises of ‘fulfillment’ through purchase and acquisition. Their time frames are much more limited to their own lifetime, they mostly could care less about things of ancient histories or even spatial realms of possible spiritual life forms very much related to us on cosmic terms and cycles of time. Maybe even of dimensions of frequency vibration that allows them to appear and disappear as if they were angels (good and not so good maybe) … there is so much more potential to our actual reality when the larger picture is allowed … but one must first become inquisitive enough to look above the edge of the little box that our temporal society (including most religious views) has ‘handed’ us.

This will really get the attention of most … I alluded to it earlier … and have a complete article on it in my file history … the Protocols Of the Learned Elders of Zion !!!

You had better all bet that the Muslims, that so many are now fearing, have read these documents and have belief systems based around them … if and when you come to understand that, you will have the ability to understand your own position and relationship to it all, not only the immediate relationship to those that you just think hate you for no good reason other than their barbarity in your mind … YOU have been brainwashed over your lifetime … and they have been also.

Those Protocols ARE the blueprint for what has been going on for eons … that movement HAS been handed down since the beginning of time by those that have held positions in society of advantage !

Their philosophy has been honed into a fine art by now, it is long range, and for some even eternal from a metaphysical viewpoint. That viewpoint has encouraged exoteric religions the world over, to siphon off would be Spiritual people that might well seek higher truths, to join and stay within the religious institutions and settle for the lower truths (actually falsehoods) to keep them within the fold of exotericism, and within the realm of the long term plans of those that the Protocols were and are exposing.

Now before you all yell your head off in disgust (political correctness and indignation derived from such righteousness) … just think who better than the Jew, to be the defenders of their UNSpiritual Zionist secular leadership behind the scenes … in complete denial of the possibility suggested here … what makes you so sure that your own religious and spiritual sentiments are not being used and abused by a leadership factor so far to the ‘Right’ (politically) that even you would disown it if real truth were known by you ?

How many have actually taken the time to sit down and really read the Protocols with an OPEN mind ? I doubt that there would be many, if any, given the distaste of such, that has been ingrained into everyone … by intentional design I might add ! The Protocols ARE the BLUEPRINT for what has been and is now going on … to everybody’s DETRIMENT long range and near, except theirs, the ones at the top of the Corporatocracy Pyramid’s Apex, that stand to Inherit the entire world under their ’Government’ … and it will not be what we would like to think as a Godly one !!!

So WAKE UP FOLKS, get your heads out of the confinements of the BOX that has been crafted for you by the leaders behind the scenes, that pull the strings of the ones you actually see … many of the lower level leaders are even unaware of what is transpiring in their names … such is the secrecy involved and the detail they will go to, to make us feel ashamed to even suggest that a massive conspiracy could really be taking place right under our noses ……… THIS IS NOT AN ANTI-SEMITE ISSUE … BUT IT VERY WELL COULD BE AN ANTI-ZIONIST ISSUE !?!?!?

A more complete discussion is in my book Spirit Calls … a voice from the wilderness.

Peace, j.

(a reprint from: )

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