Monday, November 1, 2010 answer to the question of a India

The question was based upon the following, and was how did I view that to time and space

There is a basic difference between the static philosophy and moving philosophy, static God and moving God, static science and moving science, static tradition and moving tradition. Basavanna says, "There is destruction for what stands but not for that, which moves".

Whenever nature gives birth to new wonders in the world, be it in science, religion, tradition or something else it represents a moving character. Nevertheless, this moving character will not stay for a long time because of our own static way of thinking. Whenever the new research emerged in the history of humanity, it has maintained moving character in the beginning, but slowly it has lost the beauty of the moving character because of the orthodox interaction of our own finite mind. But the transformation of moving character to static character occurs only in human mind, not in nature.

In the western world, now there is a spiritual madness to dig all the static philosophies of the ancient history. Some are talking on Tantra, some are talking on Yoga, some are talking on Vastu, some are talking on mediation, some are talking on UFO's and so on. In fact, they are searching for the static shelter to compensate or to define their own stagnant way of life. Nevertheless, our ancient Sages, Buddha, Krishna, Jesus, Rama, Prophet and other prominent spiritual personalities emerged with moving philosophy; not a static one, but who made it static? Ask yourself! Which philosophy, science, religion, God and tradition you are representing? Is it static or moving one?

Vivekananda says, "Faith not a belief; it is the grasp of the ultimate as illumination".

Dear Friend Chandra,

I received your message late in the day, it sounds like I should do my best on it, so will sleep on the question and begin in the AM. It is nice to hear from you.

Well I procrastinated a little, here goes. BTW I have not read any of the previous comments to your posting yet, I will save that for later, if I can find them then.

The statement as presented is beautiful in it's simplicity and truth. I see it as saying that all is in flux and change, what is true at one moment may or may not be so at the next, because all is related and relative.

Eternity is the whole, and each and every moment experienced in creation is , what makes up that whole. The same applies to space, it is the totality that is the whole, often considered a UNIverse when the ONE is in MIND. When the ONE is Recognised in ones mind, that will be an illuminating moment (or more, depending how long that realization can be maintained). If that time period of UNITY with God (higher Self or soul) is sufficient, then one may well know themselves (self and Self) as becoming UNIfied and enLIGHTened. At such moments, all time becomes irrelevant, and space feels least that was my experience, and my reading after the fact confirms it much the same as others that have been there and done that.

So, I see Time and Space as but mental constructs of mankind by agreement with measurement terms also agreed upon in order to be considered a 'fact' for the purpose of making sense of the mundane and profane. These 'quantities' are ever larger to the degree one becomes distant from God as one is seen to be expanding into a macrocosmos of perceived creation that will always grow out in front of one seeking in that direction, much as the end of a rainbow seems to move away from one as one attempts to approach it...or the tiger chasing it's tail, if lucky, will never catch it...until he stops chasing and accepts that it is a part of him and has been there all along.

To me God is a concept of the totality of all that is or could in a sense our Alpha source as a 'perception' of a beginning period, and also the Omega end of that same period when all of that concerned return to their original UNITy, in mass, as the totality of ALL...or on the personal level of the singular part of you or I, we make that connection on the internal level where we are 'born again', 'graced', or 'enlightened' one else will know or really need to know, because they would never understand anyway. It can not be explained in words, only via the actual experience can it be truly known...and that knowing is of unconditional love as well as the truth that will set you free. It makes you realize that you are now a universal (or at least Cosmic) being, and death is no longer a concern as you know it will be but a step to another eternal dimension closer in time and space to God.

If God is seen as the 'heart' or center and balance of the all that is of the universe, then one knows that there, time and space are inconsequential, they only seem to disappear because the eternal and the infinite are balanced. These are only words to those still seeking that knowing, they are the experience for some relative few. But that number is growing exponentially day by day and moment by moment...they say, and I believe, that at some point, there will occur what they call a critical mass that will in turn suck in all that remains to our joint Omega point. That change will have a rate of change that will be exponential in that time will suddenly decrease to zero as will our sense of space as we return to God.

Maybe by 2012 we will either be there or at least realize we are well on the way...

Yes, in the west, many are attempting to 'wake up' from their spiritual slumber. Spirit is making itself known via an alternative to the stress of ever increasing polarization which is causing conflict for those that still think in terms of the good and evil, right and wrong, best and worst, all aspects of duality and dichotomy that cause people to compare themselves against others in seeking like thinkers to feel more comfortable with and protective of each other of like mind.

Bur in the end they will need to come to the realization of what I call the BET or Basic Equation of Truth, shown as (+=-) a triad or trinity function of balance as opposed to the dualistic present of (+/-) is all explained in my book available for free at feel free to use as you see fit.

Best regards my friend Chandra, if you need or want more, please let me know. Love and Peace...and remember;

(+=-)=:-) and (+/-)=:-( ...j.

(a reprint from )

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