do not see any potential problems that are to be ascribed to the system itself as much as to the philosophy of the people in the upper levels of the system. All of our 'systems' are hierarchical in nature ... and that means shaped like a pyramid.
The very upper echelon then has ALL power ... because the top is supported by all of those below. In a true democracy there would be an interaction through all levels for the greater good of the whole ... but only on the assumption that the whole was seeking that result actively. They have to all be working together cooperating for their overall goals ... when THAT is being done ALL DIVERSITY adds COOPERATIVELY to the whole in a creative SYNERGY of achievement.
That great synergistic increase is then redistributed back down the pyramid for all to gain fairly ... in the "perfect" working of the 'system' ... when it works THAT way (perfectly) there is nothing better ... Our heavenly divine hierarchy spiritually works just like that. God being the epitome of the perfect "head" that LOVES those in his system SHOULD be what our temporal system leaders are all about, who they should emulate in that regard ... That is the design for our inter-connective universe.
But sadly, that design has been perverted by leaders that are very unGodly ... they have decided to take advantage of the perfect systems and thus take advantage of the people that make it up, those below them. When advantage is taken it is NOT via love but via something very much less ... FEAR of loss of what they most cherish drives them towards more greed, power, and control as insurance of maintenance of their position in the receiving of the benefits they are able to control based upon their position in the hierarchical level ... ultimately the cream rises to the top, the crap rolls downhill, and the rich get richer (having ever more they fear to lose) and the poor get poorer ... as the system becomes milked that way, it comes to a point where the creation becomes ever less due to many factors ... the most important one being the loss of ability and loss of trust of those at the lower levels who actually do the work that powers the system ...
As the people become less satisfied and optimistic, production slacks off and the people are then in need of motivation ... good leaders (rare) would see to it that the management does it's part to sacrifice some, in order to better share with those at the lower levels ... restoring trust and optimism to the workers ... production picks up and everyone then becomes happy and ambitious again.
But on the 'other' hand, when the system seems to be slowing, poor leaders (from the standpoint of us at lower levels), will begin to lie to the bottom and cultivate loyalty where they can of those below them that they need to support them ... the worst kind of leaders will rob the lowest levels of it's wealth (much as mineral mining of the riches of our earth or clearcut logging of our forests) via an excess of greed as they seek short term gain having either no desire or supposed need to insure the lasting continuity of the resource.
Once such a system has been corrupted to a certain point where the trusting people that have been compliant due to believing lies, wise up and rebel, THEN stricter controls are implemented ... the bottom becomes FORCED in various ways, yet the middle that enforces does so out of fear of loss of their benefits that the top hands down to them.
The more the resistance at the bottom the more restrictive force that comes down from the top ... the greater the potential loss, the greater the fear of it, and the greater the willingness to compromise the morality of coveted leadership positions.
If one were to stop and think about this, they could actually see this happening in this nation right now ... our media has been bought out by the corporate interests of the 'top' and we are fed just what information that best suits those leader's continued position of power and dominance ... and most of us will never even know who these people are because they remain powerful through anonymity ... it they who buy and sell our corruptible politicians, not all, but just enough to have their policies kept in place.
If and when the day comes that the short term gain approach gets to the point of fewer returns to where the top is no longer satisfied, then anything can happen and probably will ... we may well be coming to such a point in our very near future !!!
But for those that fear such a possibility, will deny and attempt to kill the messengers ... I see that all over here on Gather when these issues of sociology and politics are discussed ... those that most want to deny the potentials for such, will go to any length, to act as apologists for 'their' coveted 'system' that they have been coerced into believing they were to be the recipients of that wealth if they play along ...
I will end this now with another thought ... the 'system' is extremely hard on any lowest level PYRAMID programs that the average person might become involved in ... that being outlawed, and called a SCHEME that will hurt the little people that trust in it ... beware of all such CROOKED SCHEMES, we will be warned and told ...
This article the reprint of a comment that I made on
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