Monday, November 1, 2010

Jesus (the man), Christ (last name), God (the entire family)!

An answer to my Christian friend as to my perception of the Savior.

As for the Savior, the very best that I could attribute to that concept, is that presented in the Urantia book. That book is, I believe, meant more for existing Christians, to re-inform them of the higher truth of the message that Jesus gave to all in His day and time. That Urantia message is all about correcting the mistake people have made in worshipping and idolizing the person of Jesus rather than the message of we have digressed to 'my' interpretation of Jesus the man that was "Christed" by Spirit in order for Him to fully receive the power and wisdom (said to have taken place at His baptism)(which though symbolized with water as the material medium, was really by fire, the Spiritual medium)...

Backing up some, the U-book states much as the Bible that Jesus came from virgin as part of God's intended plan, that He was a Spiritual materialization in the form of human for the purpose of showing man their potential divinity when they too came to believe The Message. In that concept, Jesus returned to the Father having earned the right to be Lord of this (and other) creation(s)...there is so much more also, and as I have studied that book over and over, combined with all other pertinent sources of such information that I could acquire...all the while making use of my intuition, I have come to the conclusion that the U-book message is primarily tailored (by God's 'office') for existing Christians because it fits so well their current beliefs as they exist. To seek a transcendent view via the U-book should be no real stretch for the seeking Christian...and that fully maintains the 'Savior" concept to a degree acceptable to most of them.

So, in my case, based upon everything to date, I reserve the possibility of that being true for later...maybe much later, whatever it takes. Thus, I maintain that the term Savior has two meanings...that of the man Jesus for those that need the concept of an embodied 'other' that was a singular individual that came here miraculously and went back in a related way, and that will come again thusly at the proper time, one that they should worship as a special person in the meantime... ...all of that as presented by organized religions that require a following to exist, and that becoming a form of control over the sheep. Many of the words in the gospel have been crafted to insure that effect in keeping the people so constrained. This is a more objective, materialistic, and exoteric way of believing. More suitable to a people that requires something substantive to get their mind around.

In contrast to the preceding, the Savior that I believe in (and many others of a similar mind) is that of the Christ, or Spiritual aspect of God or the Holy Spirit, or the Spirit of Truth, in other words, the loving and true spirit of God that we believe (through experience in my case) can come into (or be realized from within) any sincere seeker at any time that they are ready (ready being a combination of desire and evolutionary readiness, i.e.. being worthy in God's eyes). This then becomes, via the experience, being truly Graced and Saved where the experience is so profound and love filled as to be beyond words! This to me is then a Truly Spiritual experience that insures the knowledge without any doubt that there is no higher connection possible to God in this lifetime. That means that the experience spoken of by most of those received in a religious baptism that they call 'saved', 'born again' and 'graced'...though real in some cases, are for the most part just concepts of wishful thinking by those that cannot understand nor allow of the higher and more transcendent of the real experience where 'fire' transcends 'water'. The better being the esoteric, subjective and Spiritual experience spoken of and about in mystical traditions of all major religions...which are often not understood by the orthodoxy and thus labeled as of the occult or heretical.

Call it what you will folks, but I believe that I have experienced, and now know of, the better of those. So, in a nutshell, the Savior that the church presents for the masses in the name of Jesus Christ, speaks of one special above all others, and worth waiting for as well as dying for...all too often even killing for in His name...even against others equally religious that only use different names for a same or similar concept.

In my view, I prefer my view, those that prefer other will have a differing experience. In God's creation there is room for each and all...I have no problem spiritually with those that negate my views, but I sure do on the ego side of things that I do attempt to keep in balance with the spirit.

As far as religions go, yours is as good as most of them, yet when they as a whole place themselves on a higher scale of Godliness than those of us truly spiritual, I think they have yet a few things to learn. And, until those things are learned, we will continue to have wars based upon false religious beliefs.

(reprint from 2006 post on )

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