Many on Gather that lean to the Right politically, insist upon "FACTs" from the Left, which must have what they call "Valid" sources. No source that does not meet their approval is deemed valid, and anything given in an "anonymous" fashion to the degree that the very source cannot be later questioned, is worth less than nothing to them. This rules out all subjective wisdoms, however spiritually inspired. The following is a comment I posted on that subject ...
Bret, I am right here going to tell you something that I believe I have never said before. I am only saying this now because it seems that I have tried everything else I could think of to find some common ground with the few folks from the Right here, that are always on the case of the Left and actually believing what your pundits have said about the Left, to concoct an image of an enemy into your heads to relate to, so you can hate the Left because you would then dualistically support the Right, where your "leaders" claim to reside (you know, the "good" guys).
First off, for most of my life I never gave a damn about politics and what the social atmosphere of this nation was doing, because it was all bad and hopeless to me ... and I never really understood it anyway. In fact it was a big part of what depressed me about this world.
But in seeking to finally get myself out of depression, I tried many things, one of which paid off ... I turned withIN by attempting to meditate (more of an Eastern concept) and opened myself to whatever might show up ... it came as a very mystical experience with an extremely powerful expression of loving forgiveness ... one thing led to another and I realized it was an extremely "Spiritual" experience ... from that moment on I had a powerful interest in everything concerning the world condition and why it was what it seemed to be and I hoped to find a way to help it be better ...
Now this is the gist of all of that ... we live in a very materialistic realm, here the most important things are those objective physical things that give us a relationship via our 5 physical senses ... nothing else, such as the subjective ideas and emotions, matter near as much as what we can more easily relate to objectively ... we have all been told our entire lives that our leaders were leaders because they had more ability and knowledge, that only they were qualified or authorized to lead us, that we must trust them and be loyal to them ... secular AND religious both. That they were all here to protect and guide us, that we were to be their followers ... we were always told, do not rock the boat, conform. Be a "good" little citizen.
But in the process of connecting to the spiritual realm as I did, I had actual communications with that realm, now many would like to call this all evidence that I am just crazy, that nobody sane does that sort of thing. That is the "popular" opinion of those in denial of spirituality, so be it. Never the less, I have received much information through that process that assures me that there is most definitely a spiritual dimension watching over us and attempting to guide us all ... and at the top of THAT hierarchical "arrangement" would be what is commonly referred to as God.
God (the one I believe in anyway, and there is only one, just that many have lessor versions) gives us complete freedom to learn our lessons by actual experience so that we can discover the truths first hand, most of which are related to cause and effect, the reason for the Golden Rule. Do unto others ... because we are ALL interconnected spiritually to one another and other realms of God ... there is no separation at all, other than what we make up in our minds and insist upon for our own version of our preferred reality.
And the real point of all of this is that we have a very non-spiritual leadership here on earth that really enjoys the perks of the higher ranks of their leadership standings ... so much of it is based upon wealth $$$$ which gives them power and control that protects those folks at those levels at the expense of the common folk ... we have heard of the "trickle down" theory ... that is what we have on earth ... also known as the "sh#t rolls down hill" concept (and truth).
Our earth world leaders for the most part are taking advantage of the bulk of the world, earth and people, not to mention other life forms. We are being lied to all of the time, we are fed fear every day then promised protection by the same interests that scare the hell out of us in the first place, secular and religious. That comes from most all of the corrupted institutions that prey on those that they can get to conform to their rules ...
Those are things that I have come to know relatively subjectively, Spiritually !!! There are no written FACTs that cannot be refuted ... because there is nothing subjective that can have any value for a society that has the objective as it's primary standard.
Yet in the realm (world way) of objectivity, there can be two valid viewpoints on everything, because the two people contesting such, will have two different perceptions ... that is the God given natural order ... thus there can be facts made up and written down to support both ... then (as happens on Gather threads all of the time) the two "sides" can argue and debate to their hearts content where each uses "their" facts and calls the facts of the other false.
The more spiritual of us, very validly (from our subjective [intuitive] perspective), use what we believe is some wisdom granted from God ... rather than worldly "facts" (which cancel each other out anyway). Such wisdom always looks deeper into the essence of meanings and intentions of everything ... presenting often a much different picture of what is going on, the truth over the counterfeit becomes apparent with spiritual wisdom.
In completion, much information is written that may be of the very highest truth at times, which just cannot be "sourced" to anything "objective" that would satisfy objective people ... but that does in no way mean that it is of no use for people ... I am in no way claiming that all things subjective are to be believed and trusted ... but in the same way, not all should be rejected based just on objective standards ...
It is so easy, for say the Right, to take everything that is from another perspective and just label it the evil Left and reject it as you badmouth it ... that would be what is called "throwing the baby out with the bathwater" ... Not everything NEEDs a Name source to have merit.
Please think about this, there is much to be learned in the intended message ... Peace SHOULD be everyone's goal.
(A comment originally published this date on another thread)
Jerry Kays, Dec 2, 2007, 1:21am EST (reprinted from: )
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