Monday, November 1, 2010

Essential Truth ... (reprint from post of May 2006)

ESSENTIAL TRUTH (ET) …as opposed to mere truth and/or fact
Truth and Fact are not always the same thing, though they sometimes are. Fact is that which is commonly agreed to be true. Yet the commonly agreed definitions of such may hold error as compared to the Transcendent knowing as yet unrealized.
Mankind has adopted standards of belief and definitions of words that are commonly and jointly held to be acceptable as truth and fact per se. These are the facts that are often held as truth, much as the common understanding of the parables preached by Jesus to his disciples, where few or none had the transcendent ability to understand the esoteric truths intrinsic to the exoteric facts.
It takes the “eyes to see” and the “ears to hear” of deeper intuitive perception to ferret out the difference between the explicit facts and the implicit truths. It is a very few, as compared to the common masses, that have the ability to even perceive that there are two standards possible to such understandings. Evolutionary intelligence always sets a higher standard that is held to be wisdom at the top and mere knowledge below.
Those of the more common masses hold knowledge, and are aware of the word wisdom, yet have not a true understanding of just what wisdom entails, that being transcendent to their abilities. As evolution goes, with time, more and more will awake to the higher esoteric and transcendent truths as they also become wise and replace the previous wise men that pass away in their own time.
So there are always a relative few wise men at the top of the echelon, or mental hierarchy, that attempt to lead the masses to a higher standard of thought and appreciation of the more transcendent understanding of the possible reality that awaits them. If these few are successful, humanity advances towards the divine principles of utopian life. If unsuccessful, humanity regresses on a self destructive path involving polarized conflict and violence associated with war and death. Does it not sometimes appear that our world is presently headed down the lesser path?
ET then stands for the highest possible perception of the meaning of truth, that of its esoteric essence as opposed to its lesser and more common understanding that is the exoteric version more related to accepted fact. In order to better understand this, one must be willing to step out of the box of orthodoxy and open themselves to the possibility of the transcendent. Most believe that religion speaks for such transcendence…it does, but mostly in words rather than deeds. This is because religions, for the most part, have the lesser understanding, that of the exoteric, even though they like to believe that it is of the higher and esoteric.
When you come right down to it, all understandings have at least three parts. That of the present self and that of a past and future as well as a higher and lower, not to mention an inner and outer. All the while it is the individual self that is doing the thinking and deciding of those differentiations, a triad of sorts, three parts, never the simple duality as perceived by most that think in terms of black and white or either/or, winner/loser where they see themselves as one or the other, putting little value upon the grey area of contemplation between choices as would one that is open to all possibility.
When religion states that there are basically only two choices to be made in considering ones soul choices involving either God in the one extreme and God’s alternative in the other extreme, they are promoting a duality. That is why they caution to never “fence sit,” to always seek the better extreme. Such thinking sees the extremes as paramount where the ultimate or absolute is either best or worst and naturally given only those two choices we all would seek the better. That best is then considered to be perfection itself! This, believe it or not, is the exoteric view of reality, a two part duality most associated with dichotomy and division involving competition and separation into polarization and opposing factions. These same ingredients being those associated with conflict and wars of destruction when one side becomes greedy for gain at the expense of other where both sides fear the other and seek their destruction for self survival going to the fittest. It is always then a case of the lion versus the lamb or the hawk against the dove…who do you think makes those decisions and why…which side would you expect to “win” in such cases?
Religion determines that on earth it is usually the wrong, secular and/or misguided, that seek earthly power and materialistic gain. They see themselves as the oppressed and/or sheep and doves in peril of the other.
Always it is the other that is in the wrong and subject to the wrath of God in their eyes. Yet they build massive institutions of followers, ever seeking conversion of more to their belief system. They say it is for our betterment and that it is God’s own desire that we all see things as they do. Remember, this is still dualistic thinking!
Dualism is a concept that is linear in nature, has beginnings and endings, two extremes opposite of each other and perfection is then the good extreme to always be sought. The right vs. the wrong, and often in American politics, the Right vs. the Left … at least in the more Fundamentalist view of Red thought. I maintain that such dualism is of the lesser exoteric overall, and needs to be superseded by the more esoteric concept of the triadic or trinity…even the fullest understanding of The Trinity for those more religious.
Dualism, the linear view based upon extremes, is the present view of the old way of thought that will eventually be superseded by the more transcendent concept of Trinitarianism, a view that values an additional part known as the center or balance, the middle ground of the observer…known to be Spirit in the consideration of the Divine! This additional concept, being not of an extreme, is hard for the dualist to get their mind around, that being the grey area of invisibility (to them) very near the center where the fence of duality divides…the area to never be caught on, seen by them as fence sitting.
Dualism can then be formulated as positive [+] vs. negative [-] where the vs. is denoted by the slash [/], seen as the gap of division, ie, (+/-), the common and basic “fact” held as the truth by such thinkers. Now give this a little more thought, is it not what we were all taught in elementary math and algebra in our schooling? Is this not the truth of fractionalism and division, the relationship of positive to negative and valuation of higher (over) and lower (under) in our thinking?
Let us now advance one giant step to the next level of triadic consideration…that of the three parts that make up the essence of ESSENTIAL TRUTH…the ET of the esoteric! We might notice here that in this case, synonymous are the words esoteric and essence, these being more subjective as in intuitive, that compared to the ordinary objectivity of 5 sensory physical sensing and common logic of exoteric thought.
You may then consider that the religious concept of the trinity is represented by God as [+], Spirit as [=], and the Son as [-]. This then equates in the essence of truth as the ET of ESSENTIAL TRUTH, that being also what I call the BASIC EQUATION of TRUTH… BET…as (+=-)!
As far as acronyms go, we could add another for consideration, that of BUT…BASIC UNIVERSAL TRUTH. We can then decide which is more memorable, the ET, the BET, or the BUT. When one becomes more knowledgeable about such, it will be found that the holy grail sought by our scientists, called by them the GUT…GRAND UNIFYING THEORY, or the TOE…THEORY OF EVERYTHING…are each but a variation of the same thing!
The conflict between religion and science is but the results of dualism. Science has pursued the objective path of 5 sensory physicality called materialism and requires repeatable and verifiable results in order to consider fact and/or truth…by their standards. Religion, on the other hand, speaks of things subjective and transcendent, yet their experience (for the most part) is very objective. The subjective being equivalent to what they call faith, that to be experienced in the hereafter. The here and now being objective in orientation and even in present valuation. Both camps see separation as defining differentiation as in positive equals positive (+=+)…and negative equals negative (-=-)…sort of like the saying; “east is east and west is west and never shall the twain meet.” Yet the twain does meet, in the form of the being experiencing that difference…an experience that each of can have at any moment…at least based upon objective definitions of such, all objectivity being only that defined by objective man as facts or (lesser) truth.
ET or BET is then subjective and can only be understood via transcendence in thought which most effectively comes from experience…something quite rare in this day and age. Yet it is found that such experiences are being presented to more and more people all the time. That experience is often called Enlightenment…a transcendent form of Spiritual awakening. In some religious circles, it is called being born again or being graced or even saved. They believe it comes along with baptism by water and submission to religious ritual and ceremony…all in fact only objective sacraments for the real thing that is subjective and transcendent to their knowing…such as baptism by fire and/or the Holy Spirit, the same thing. Christ even being the subjective spiritual component of Jesus the objective man, much as Christ is but a definitional classification of Spirit.
To get beyond duality, involves the understanding of the Trinity in the spiritual sense and/or the Triad of the equation (+=-) in the secular sense. But I will warn you here and now, when you come to truly understand that, you will then be a Spiritual Being…you already are, you just may not yet realize it! Your edifying spirit is your little used, and seldom understood, INTUITION! That is the Spirit defined by the equal sign [=] that stands as the invisible bridge between all duality and dichotomy. That bridge is cooperative, compassionate, and unconditional love! That is the unifying force of God that is eternally active in creation attempting to connect our Alpha and our Omega, that in between and balancing the two ends of duality and polarization.
It is our egoistic small s self that is objective and dualistic, it is our inner intuitive big S Self that is spiritual and subjective. Our outer realm is realized by our 5 physical senses and extends into the distant heavens as “out there” and “up there”…the macrocosmic universe. Yet there is another parallel and overlapping universe, that of our inner microcosmic, that of the subjective spiritual, that in fact and truth, transcends the lesser and prioritizes the two. We are, realized or not, right in between those two realms…and when we come to know this, we will know ourselves as spiritual beings and the unifying agent of equality between all opposition!
In this sense, ET may well refer also to the better known ET as an angelic alien as yet rejected by the common man and the objectivity of the 5 sense box he operates within. Man, arise from the box, transcend and know that the universe is spiritual, welcoming, and loving! With the proper understanding of equals but opposites, of which man and woman are, cooperative synergy of creation will be the norm…not the destruction of conflict!
Bring together with good intention, the (+=+) and the (-=-), combine them into their fact of (+/-), then transcend to the ET of (+=-), and let peace reign as we realize our greater potentials. That is what real ENLIGHTENMENT is all about! Via that Trinitarian Truth, we will realize that Spirit is t6he balance, the equalizer, and in that light the judge and jury that has no favorites, accepts and loves each and all that approach from either side, there differentiating and discerning in truth as only Spirit can, accepting each and all just as they are…diversity is appreciated and polarization is allowed only on a karmic basis of overall balance where what goes around comes around! Do as you will man, just realize that we are all of the one, brothers and sisters each and all, there is no real division, and justice will prevail in the end at Omega!

This concept is detailed more thoroughly in my book:
SPIRIT CALLS…a voice from the wilderness…Transcending Religion via the Essence of Metaphor
An Alternative View of Spiritual Potential…based upon a personal transcendental awakening.
Hard Cover ISBN 1-4196-2302-8 and Binding Trade Paper ISBN 1-4196-1258-1
Published by BookSurge an Amazon Company.
Author, Jerry Kays contact at or visit website URL at


  1. It has been a long while since I read this, let alone wrote it, but with time it becomes ever more prescient, I only wish that more would come to know this. :-)

  2. How about a comment from me, all these years later. I have not read this for ages, it now being Monday, May, 9, 2022, nearly 12 years since originally written, and in formation becoming ever more needed as our world leaders are playing with fire in the Ukraine, seeking more conflict, death and mayhem, and trying to blame it all on Putin as the leader of Russia that they would like to depose. If there is any sanity in this world, it appears to me (because I study the Geopolitical scene in more depth than the average "Sound-bite Recipient" fed my MSM) that it lies with Putin, not The West in the form of NATO. ... I have little else to say at this point, other than to study and heed the words in the initial article here. But of course, it is only IMnsHO and E so far.

