Monday, November 1, 2010


This nation was founded upon the concept of two political parties ... not so much opposing each other ... as cooperating for the common cause of the nation itself.

Now though, we have been divided in acrimony for the purposes of control by the leaders ... those leaders being our corrupt politicians that seek rather the"perks" of the K-Street Lobby payoff, and multiple terms in office for their own purposes, rather than of service to those they were intended to serve.

It is called divide and conquer ... the oldest tactic of conflict known to mankind ... and perpetrated not by those "leaders" we envision and know of, as much as those with even greater wealth who hide in the shadows of anonymity pulling the strings of all of those under them such as our mentioned politicians, their staffs, the think-tanks that inform them, and the heads of the media that informs us ...

All such is built on a hierarchical pyramid construct based upon a "need to know only" separation where those nearer to the apex, the top, are the only ones that know the full story and intentions of the rather small (comparatively) group who actually do the controlling while those under them either fail to suspect the ulterior motives, or keep silent rather than suffer the consequences of losing their position and it's rewards.

But as long as we fall for what "they" intend, we encourage the "game" ... as we instead of looking up for the truth, fight ideologically with each other ... we also being but puppets in that regard.

The sophistication of our actual controllers is so great that they have actually convinced us into believing that the politicians we elect will actually be serving us rather than them, even the politicians themselves are relatively unaware of the degree of control being exercised by those above them ... we have all been been brainwashed over our lifetimes to never suspect.

(The above was left originally as a comment on another thread and placed here for my own record keeping.)

(reprint from: )

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