Monday, November 1, 2010


Paradox is a no-no to dualists ... dualists require "completion", clear cut decision making between the extremes of choice, you are either with them or against them. Good (+) or bad (-) ... (+/-).

One reason we "think" that way, aside from "religious" indoctrination which is the real source, is that we were taught in elementary school that:

(+=+) ... and ... (-=-) ... and like the east and the west, the twain shall never meet (so it has been said, in error).

(+=+) associated with (-=-) becomes then dualistically (+/-) where the "higher" is considered by most the "most valuable" ...

But given this "valuation" factor, the "lower", as in darkness, relative to light, is forced to take the role of "undesirable" and knowing itself a valid necessary co-equal (yet opposite) "partner" with light, takes offense at the lessor consideration of "judgment" and resists with associated "conflict" ...

The judgmental nature of the more "righteous" tends to condemn the relationship and places a gap or void (/) in between the parties (+/-).

With the universal truth and perennial wisdom, one can know that duality should be transcended with trinity ... the void and gap (/) of duality should be replaced with the "connector", the commonality and mediator, the spirit of GOD as the third member of trinity as (=) ... (+=-) !

Of course that "appears" on the surface to the dualist, as a "paradox", unacceptable to them. They will remain objectors and continue to conflict with universal truth because they will not yet accept the paradox.

To LGLG (Let Go Let GOD) resolves the paradox issue and results in lasting peace all around where the extremes of natural diversity are able, and more than willing, able to use their natural and unique talents cooperatively for the win/win result of creative synergy.

Paradox Rocks !!!

(reprinted from: )

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