Monday, November 1, 2010


What purpose life ??? I can only guess of course … as a play ground for spirits to take on a body so they can experience physicality and all that goes with it ? To come here as ‘care takers’ of the physical earth~world ~Gaia ? To experience sex and family life ? To practice religion then kill others over religion ? Heck, I don’t know, probably all of those and infinitely more.

Actually, from my perspective, anything goes. We are gods even if we are not aware of the fact. We create our own reality and co-create our joint reality. What goes around comes around, Karma sees to that. Cause and effect !

People may well see themselves as ‘part’ of a larger team or unit … but usually only in relationship to some ‘other’ team or unit … such as the one they are competing with or contesting ’against’ usually. Sure they are ‘cooperating’ in harmony ‘with’ the team they feel they belong to, where their ‘investment’ lies.

What is needed is the realization that ‘everyone’ is really on the ONE and SAME team … ultimately !!!

We would then, and only then, begin to treat each other … and our earth world, better and have some ‘harmony’ and peace over all.

Maybe then God/Spirit would help us to have fewer children that are over-populating our planet … I am sure the spiritual realm has something to say about who and when pregnancy occurs … of course a non-spiritual person may well argue about that …

Our ever increasing population is just an example of our wrong priorities about what life, especially ‘family life’ is all about. It is to eventually show us the cause and effect lesson in that regard. After a certain point, it becomes like crapping in your own nest. For many, it is pure selfishness, not taking responsibility … the same reason for most of our excesses and problems.

If and when people become ‘truly’ spiritual (not just religious), most of these things become a part of wisdom, and could then be ‘corrected’ … the problem then is … people are either having too much fun … or are otherwise ‘distracted’ from such spiritual truths … actually, our ‘leadership’, both secular and religious, like it that/this way. It makes for hierarchies where those leaders can benefit from all of those ignorant ‘followers’ that do their bidding … and pay their taxes.

What a life we live … bah humbug !

BUT … could this life be improved upon to the degree that everyone could be happy and content ? Let me make a unique proposal about that possibility.

I got up as usual this morning and as usual also, I went into the bathroom that has a huge mirror over the sinks … what I saw in the mirror was also the usual disheveled image of an old man with a bushy beard … and what hair is left on top of the head … is, all of it, sticking out in all kinds of directions and weird curly shapes … the image of a real mess.

I can’t stand that ‘look’, so the first thing I must do is grab my hairbrush and proceed to straighten out all of the hair and get it all into the place where it ‘belongs’.

We all know what Saddam looked like when he first came out of his underground hide-a-way … that is what I look like when I first get up … and we all know how much better he looked after they cleaned him up and put him into a business suit for his trial … you can bet it was his defense lawyers that insisted upon the ‘improvements’ … the prosecution would prefer that you look like an insane animal, makes it easier to get a conviction, especially if there is a jury of peers that prefer ‘normal’ looking people.

The ‘point’ being here, is “conformity” to a preferred image of social acceptance, the ‘outer’ appearance of how we ‘look’ to ‘others’ … not to discount our ‘self’ image of what we would allow for ourselves … most often related though, to how we want to appear to others … underneath of those outer ‘appearances’ is really the same person with all of the same thoughts and habits, even intentions and values. None of those have ‘really’ changed with a temporary appearance …

Now assume for the sake of discussion, that we did not comb or brush our hair into place in the mornings, that we did not don the proper attire suitable to the public before proceeding out into society for the day … would we then fit in ? Would we be able to have a sense of being ‘accepted’ by our peers … would we be comfortable standing out as being different ? Just how much ‘difference’ would we each be able to allow for ourselves and still be able to function with any sense of self acceptance ?

I posit here, that it depends upon our own internal value system and our level of self confidence, our INdividuality. We each have different degrees of what we will allow ourselves in the nature of non-conformity. We can all bring up some image in mind of people that wear completely mismatching cloths, maybe way out of ‘style’, even with bold clashing color combinations … real misfits.

Sometimes these people are just not ‘normal’ in the head like the most of us … even the ones that might be ‘more’ normal, but are intentionally making a ‘statement’ of nonconformity, are still not normal by accepted standards of social peers, probably rejected by most others based upon those personal ‘appearances’.

Naturally, some of the above comes out as reflected value systems that exist in the mind of the person that is different … but we must not ignore the mind of those others that so seek conformity here, the bulk of ‘orthodoxy’, normal society, those that define the bounds of acceptability for all. We are all highly influenced by our media depictions of ‘normality’. our self confidence levels are highly regulated by how we ‘fit in’ with ‘our’ group. Appearance is paramount in the normal shallow minded society, how we ‘look’ makes all the difference for most !

Such is the OUT-look for most people. We have our social norms applicable to secular thought promoted by our governments and other ‘authorized’ institutions and ‘their’ leading ‘authorities’ … we also have our religious institutions that define the roles involved with that kind of thinking … also often involving a hierarchical structure of top down authority. Even God is defined by ‘them’ as being “UP ABOVE”, somewhere ‘out there’ in a distant heaven unimaginable to us. In a remote place to be found only after earth life, providing the faithful have followed only the proscribed steps during life as authorized by their leading authorities that claim to know what God wants and/or ‘demands’ even. “Get in line folks, adapt to conformity, do not rock the boat, be subservient to society, you as an individual are worth nothing (most likely just a sinner)”, as compared to the ‘greater’ whole of society that you should sacrifice willingly for … the society as defined by your authorized leaders that claim to know better than you.

Thus the outer seeking, always growing in size and strength of amassed organized numbers, as in armies coordinated to tackle the otherwise insurmountable, via their massive organized strength of purpose, using the manifested ‘tools’ (often ’weapons’) designed for those specific purposes. … taken to an imaginary evolutionary extreme for some far distant future … picture us as the members that have specific duties, single purpose existence, such as the self sacrificial members of a Bee colony or an Ant colony, where every member has a specific purpose that serves only the colony, and especially the Queen Bee that is the ultimate ‘leader’ of the colony and the reason for the existence of the colony, to serve (much as robots) only that leader at the top of the social hierarchy.

Such is what ‘leadership’ would seek IF they had their way … absolute conformity to standards handed down by them to serve their all knowing and wise purposes … said (claimed) to be in the best interest for the society as a whole. To the degree we all ‘buy into’ that, we will eventually become, given enough time, just ‘that’ ! Of course if one has no Spiritual perception of an eternal ongoing relationship to others, then such ‘time spans’ may well have no useful application or bearing upon present thinking.

Enter the Individually Self Confidant person, one that has found an Internal guidance that is believed to come from the Spirit of the God of all, which has been found to reside in their own Internal Soul, a higher version Self that transcends the normal lower version self of the ego person that has been considered the common staple of most all others … the others of the society preferred by the ’leaders’ mentioned above.

Such a relatively ‘rare’ individual will not conform to the above social mores, at least to the degree that most would. They may or may not dress the same, depending upon their desire to blend in or stand out. They most definitely will not ‘think’ the same as all others. They will most likely very much enjoy their new found freedom of expression, and will even recommend it to others … they will have found the truth that sets men free ! Free to be just what they themselves want to be … not ‘boxed in’ by the expectations of social conformity.

Those seeds of that freedom, lie waiting within each of us, to be grown and experienced through our own 6th sense Intuition, the subjective still small voice of our Spirit, most commonly rejected due only to preferred (indoctrinated) trust in the 5 sensory, more ’provable’ to most, objectivity of physicality.

These “enlightened” beings that come to know God as withIN them, no longer value the, suggested by leaders, conformity that enslaves others to the will of those leaders. Thus these free individuals are seen as enemies of society. They are pointed out as misfits that will endanger the fabric of society as it is known. People in society are encouraged to see these free thinkers, as a threat to themselves and all of the individuals that comprise society itself which must be protected and saved at all costs, from such ‘outside’ threat as such freedoms might imply.

Jesus was one such free thinker, that went against the organized social structure of the Pharisees of his day, in an attempt to get society on a new and improved track. We all know the story of how they handled that perceived ‘threat’ to the existing social order.

Nothing much has changed over the ages so far. People still come into a personal Internal Gnosis of God~Spirit enlightenment and Spiritual Grace, but the social order still tries to contain and marginalize them within the existing social structure. If that cannot be accomplished by just ignoring the person, defaming the person as a ‘loony’, they then put the person on a pedestal and make them so famous that they suck them into the mass merchandising scheme of money making for the greater profit $$$ of his/her ‘organizers’.

We all know of many people that are held to be spiritually ahead of the norm, that are now completely involved in ‘selling’ their wares as books, videos, speaking engagements and the like, to the degree that they have become just another big business out for a $ and not to be trusted any longer for that reason alone, if no other … so you are encouraged to believe. Just another extreme way of marginalization by some standards. Arguable of course.

What it all comes down to, is that there always are more than one view available about how we can think and then act out our life. For those more comfortable in conformity, that have not the self confidence or desire to break out of that ‘box’, they can live a decent life just going along with the crowd. Those that want to buck the tide, can do so also, maybe with certain ‘costs’ as to acceptance from those that would see them as endangering society by rocking the boat towards a feared capsizing … and all that might entail … mostly involving fear of the unknown for most that like their ‘stability’ that they think normal social leaders will provide to them. “Live by the ‘rules’, play the game handed down that you have so far invested your faith in, take no chances, do not ‘gamble’ or you may lose your ‘promised’ investment … trust your system and it’s leaders above all else !” Uh huh, sure.

Well, I maintain that when enough people break free from the existing social structure, they will prove by example to others, that they are no threat, in fact, they are the hope and truth for a far better future for each and all … even the existing leaders that would be the very last to change.

God has a better plan for us that would give us the freedom to just be ourselves under the Spiritual guidance that would direct us all in a cooperative harmony of appreciation of our great diversity without any fear, only unconditional love for the entire creation that does make up our one common God. There would then be much less need for laws and enforcement agencies such as police and militaries, as all people would have the entirety of the greater creation at heart, knowing that we are all interconnected ‘family’ and what we do to one affects us all … the Golden Rule will be freely applied and the results will be exponentially creative in a synergistic way of win~win for each and all !

So in the ’meantime’, try and let the free thinkers have their way, after all, they may just know something of value that all of us might want to consider with time. As the bulk of society continues on the expansionary OUTward seeking, even into outer space and future time … a few others may have their roles ’reversed’ and are on an Inward path “back’ to the God from which we all came … they may have a Spiritual connection and a wisdom that just may be the answer for those that no longer want to play the ’game’ of ’normal’ society.

The latter is only a preference for those that so think, it need not be that for others that prefer to think different … but there sure should be more room for both ! After all, there are always at least two sides to every story, what comes around also goes around, up/down, in/out, good/bad, hot/cold, light/dark, and infinite ’other’ polarities and even dichotomies, that must exist for one to have an appreciation of the chosen ’other’.

I maintain that over time, there will be a greater appreciation and acceptance of the INternal Spiritual ;’way’ … a way that does in fact ALLOW the ‘other’ way even. Maybe the ‘other’ way, the existing way, will come to see that it has nothing to FEAR from the Spiritual way, because the spiritual way has no special preferences or ‘rules’, other than the rule of do unto others as you would have done unto you. All should/could have free choice. It might be the end of the world … but only as we now know it !

Just something to think about and consider … I believe that many of our current and growing ‘problems’ could be solved by just a little more freedom of personal thought around an internal spiritual commonality. Give peace a chance !!!

(this is an ‘expanded’ comment to an earlier thread)(a fuller expression is contained within my book)

(a reprint from: )

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