Monday, November 1, 2010



The media is rife with the mention of Conspiracy Theories about all kinds of things and subjects. Most often examples are given of the preposterous ones and then they are dissected in detail to prove the absurdity of the example. Then the moderator makes his usual sneer about the imbeciles and fools that believe in such hog wash. The implication is thus made that ALL CT (conspiracy theory) consists of the same, as if there was no reasonable or logical validity to any of them and that all those who believe in such possibility are deluded and/or just victims of delusional imaginations…case closed ! … end of story !

Those that prefer to keep their life more simple so as to be more seemingly in control of it, would prefer to go along with the orthodoxy as presented above. To really begin to wonder if there just might be some truth or validity to some CT is just too much bother to waste their time on. Orthodoxy is good enough for them and they would prefer all others to get in line and toe it also…as long as it is their line and the others get in behind.

There is tremendous strife in our world today, and it appears to be escalating. One might ask, and really want to know, what is behind it all. Is it strictly as presented by our media that tends to inform us all, or are there underlying factors not meant to be known to us ? If the answer is yes to the latter, and it surely is, then there just might be a type of conspiracy involved upon one scale or another…would you not accept that assertion ?

For those that believe in 'Good vs. Evil', as so many do, do you not really believe that there is a more spiritual mind set acting in that ongoing conflict ? Things are not as simple as the logic of the words presented to us from all sides of our perceived reality, in the minds of men, at least some of them, there is much conniving going on. Then some of them that have common interests often combine their efforts to achieve their goals or gain. There is the obvious long historical record of such, do you really believe it is not still taking place ?

Have you ever heard of The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion ? If you live in the west, probably not, because orthodoxy has claimed it only a theory that they have proven by their standards to be a false concoction of contrived libel against the Jews in general … the excuse is that it is simply an example of anti-Semitism... It is so much more deeper than simply that … the average Jew has no concept of what could be going on behind the scenes … the word Jew in that instance only stands for the deeper hidden 'other' of metaphor.

But if an open minded person were to read them, or even to study the controversy around them, one would see the metaphor or allegory in the words of that document, that defines what is really going on behind the scenes of the world leadership as it exists today. Of course if you believe that such as our president and his staff are really the epitome of power and authority, the final word in this nation, and that there could be no possible shadows behind it all…then welcome to the orthodox belief of skeptical scoffing.

Orthodoxy is great on reliance of the literal meaning of the words presented to us in their current writings, as well as the histories that they present to us that support their contentions…and who do you think wrote that very history in the first place ? … or at least modified it in the second place ?

That which is spiritually related to the subjectivity of the minds of men, intentions, will never be known except as they play out over time and become obvious to the minds of other men. I propose that the 'game' is ongoing, and the final answers are not yet evident…but mind you, CT is very much involved to one degree or another !!!

Now I have not been on Gather long enough to know the ropes and preferred way of notifications of articles to hoped for readers…so if anyone sees any merit to this presentation, please feel free to pass it on as you see fit, and/or to tell others. I believe it needs wide discussion if we want to change this world for the better.

Thanks all for consideration, j.

( a reprint from : )

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