An Alternate Understanding Transcendent to Orthodoxy
The direction of things…what is this thing we call direction…what is a thing? As for thing; it could be a separate entity or an inanimate object on one end of the scale and simply a hallucination on the other. A direction in and of itself is meaningless w/o a basis of reference to differentiation.
Ultimately, for the individual, all reference is primarily relative to the self and only secondarily to other. Depending upon the self concept of relative valuation, other may be considered more or less than the self, where any extreme of more consists of only God.
Based upon the preceding, the extremes of differentiation are then the idea of self on one end and God on the other…except for maybe the avowed atheist where only self is primary.
You might say that the atheist is completely self contained then, appearing from nowhere at birth and going nowhere at death, only a simple fact of evolutionary progression and decline. Basically just a biological oddity. Objectivity rules!
An atheist then could as well equate the self to God, being that there was nothing of value higher than the self, in his/her mind. Could such a person have a reference to their valuation and/or placement in a universal perspective? Without a concept of a universal God, and the transcendent meanings associated, how could they place any valuation upon anything other than the self in the direction of a "higher" worth?
Only where there is a consideration of a worth higher than the self, is there room for the concept of God. Only when a relationship with other is believed in, will other lead to the next unity involved. Such may be a singular pair, a group, family, nation, or even the entire world…but based upon such logic, never a universe.
A universe is thus transcendent to a world view and is quite subjective as compared to normal objectivity as seen by the atheist. We must remember that a universe may well contain an infinity, but in the ultimate sense, it is a unit of one by definition.
Now some profess multiple universes in the greater scheme of reality…I guess that we would then have to envision such as a super universe, or some such, to contain all of the lesser universes…stretching things a bit far when we have no real idea of what a singular universe is all about.
When you come right down to it, the self really knows very little about the self, let alone others…not to mention the world. Sure, some make great claims of knowledge and such, but until they convince another to consider such as fact, let alone a truth, it is meaningless except to their self. It must be a bit lonely to be just a self.
God then becomes a concept of the supreme totality of all in question…unless of course you are an atheist. Some anthropomorphize God into the likeness of a human…most accept that God stands for an idea or concept of the ultimate mystery of that which is the opposite of being malevolent, benevolent…that of love and loving.
Those that believe in an entity of evil that represents what they see as being not of God, then may consider such as an evil god. They then relate that bad god to a good god, the two being in eternal conflict.
This is the view of duality where one must always choose between good and evil with no fence sitting allowed. Black and white with no valid grey areas. Such thinking eventuates in polarization where there becomes an extreme gap between schools of thought.
This is linear thinking based upon sequential beginnings and endings, very dualistic.
When dualism acts in the mode of differentiation based upon separation, the gap between is ever widening and often involves competition and conflict, that often based upon mistrust and fear where domination is sought to insure survival. The big fish eats the little…but what is the ultimate outcome after all the little fish are gone? Do momma and poppa fish then have babies just to eat for survival? Maybe they make rules, call that a creed, and dogmatically follow religiously the faith of it being workable as handed down by their elders and leaders…the biggest fish. It seems to work for the big fish…heaven will help the little fish…or so they are told!
We could go on and on about how these differing factions of fish join into schools to appear larger for self protection…some of these groups then may become labeled as religious and others as secular, depending upon their belief system if any.
As the big pond called our world has evolved (or was created), most everyone acts as if they were very hungry with not enough sustenance to go around, requiring much competition and often eventuating in greed by some and actual poverty of the less dominate. Of course the meek are told that they will inherit the earth…whatever that means…or at least have higher standing in heaven, probably sooner than later as they either starve or succumb to war.
The idea and concept expressed so far, is that of our world view of dualism, that is not only a shallow objective view based upon materialism, but also a physical view of reality based upon our basic and common 5 senses. In this view, the average religious view as centered in and practiced by the faithful of the various churches, though claimed to be transcendent, is nothing more than simple exotericism. In that religious view, the divine is placed upon a level or dimension above that of the earthly. A vertical separation between the sinner man below and Gods abode above. Yet upon this lower level, they righteously differentiate horizontally between those on the right destined to link up with God, and those on their left considered secular if not evil and destined for a hell.
Let us now consider a truly transcendent option, that of a Trinitarian view, that is, though esoteric, the real truth of universal reality!
This requires a broadening of our restrictive and conservative thought to break out of the box of orthodoxy into the realm of possibility and unlimited opportunity in both the temporal realm as well as the eternal.
The exoteric shallow view of the dualist is defined by a simple formulae of +/- where the slash between is treated as a gap to be avoided, sort of like that grey area on the fence that the good disciple is warned away from because it has no valid existence in true duality. With +/- being the exoteric view, the esoteric view is that of the trinity or triadic, that of +=- where the = is the bridge across the gap that unites and connects opposites that may choose to cooperate in peace, or better yet in a synergistic way.
A triadic view of that bridge (=) would see it as an equality between potential views of opposition that in universal truth is where the meeting of opposites is as simple as "equals but opposites!" That is the understanding that mankind must come to use to insure peace and creative results rather than the oppositional and destructive results of dualistic polarization.
Taken one step further, the = of +=- , in the Trinitarian sense, would equate to Spirit. The spirit that interconnects God and man. I leave it to you to figure which of those two gets the other designations.
This transcendent and esoteric understanding would be seen as triadic by the average metaphysician…and Trinitarian by a Christian mystic or any other truly enlightened mystic that would naturally understand all of this from a spiritual perspective. Most of our major religions had their beginnings with this understanding, yet over time have quickly inherited the lesser exoteric concept of duality that is now considered as orthodoxy and fundamentalist in the extreme. Hidden within these religions are sects that are mystical and therefore esoteric, yet denounced as heretic by their own ignorant leaders of the common orthodoxy.
It all boils down to the objective valuation dominated primarily by the 5 physical senses, as to the definition of the most definable reality usable here on earth. In that regard, our average religionist falls into that exoteric category when he/she does not fully experience the spirit of God. Granted, there are many religious that have in fact experienced that spirit, but in relating it to their preconceived notions of creed and dogmatism, have held to the exoteric view of being separated here on earth with their divine in another dimension…usually called heaven. Such is then of the dualistic exoteric notions, most often in conflict between good and evil. Thus good and evil are seen as polar extremes and any relationship to their God available only at their perceived and named extreme.
When one allows that the spirit of God is available within the self and found by transcending the ego self in finding the higher soul Self, they will be truly graced and enlightened by spirit. It is all about seeking higher truth…that truth shall set you free!
This theme is much more elaborated upon in my recent book; "Spirit Calls…a voice from the wilderness: Transcending Religion via the Essence of Metaphor" An alternative view of spiritual potential based upon a personal transcendental awakening.
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